100% Water Proof And With Thermal Fleece Materials Keeps you Warm And Dry In EVERY Condition.


If you are a parent and or coach, the SportsRobe will keep you warm and dry while you watch your team perform. Also because of the thick materials used, this acts as the best windbreaker on the market, and with the overside pockets inside and out, you can carry everything you will ever need on those days you are watching your child or team.

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There is nothing worse than having to perform while cold, but the SportsRobe can help sporting participants prepare for their games or performance by keeping the player warm and dry right up until they are about to start and perform individually and or for their club and team. Making the SportsRobe a priceless tool for any performing player or athlete.

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There is nothing worse than having to get straight into your car, cold, dirty and sweaty, after performing because there were no shower facilities. But the SportsRobe not only instantly gets you warm, but because it is worn oversized, this means it also protects car seats from getting dirt or sweat on, so thus protecting your car.

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Whether you are a keen fisherman or woman, love camping, love the outdoors, or simply just taking your dog for a walk, the SportsRobe will keep you warm, and dry and protect you from all the elements, including wind, sleet and snow. And with the oversized pockets on the in and outside of the robe, means you can carry more or less everything you need on you.

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